Sunday, March 16, 2008

Limerick Wars

Limericks are whimsical, 5-line poems with a structured rhyming pattern of aabba. The 1st, 2nd, and 5th lines have three feet (beats), and the 3rd and 4th lines have two feet. The last line is usually a punch line. Here's one I wrote that was inspired by my little chihuahua--her name is Geisha, but I also call her Gidget at times.

A giant had a pup he called Gidget
A chihuahua so tiny, a midget
The giant he sat
On the pup as she napped
She's smaller than ever, poor Gidget!

You've recently written three original limericks. Post your best original limerick here for entry in the 7th Grade Limerick Wars. Each week or so, the limericks will battle it out in NCAA tournament style, until we have a champion limerick. The champion limerick writer will earn a treat of their choice, and of course become famous beyond all belief!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

The First Time... A Memoir

Write a memoir that describes the first time you did something or went to a place that you will never forget. Use the following criteria:
  • Organize your memoir in a way that makes sense to the reader
  • Vary the first words in your sentences and use different structures
  • Deliberately choose 15 or more lively, interesting, engaging words
  • Write with a personal style that "paints a picture with words" and lets your personality come through